Monday, January 26, 2015

What have we been up too? (our new place)

Some of you may have felt a bit unloved lately.  We had thought we would have much more time and focus for visiting and such.  Well, one of the things that has filled our time has been the finding, buying, and remodeling of our new home.  Usually, my husband is the king of multitasking but getting a home and having it more or less finished has completely occupied his faculties.
Here are a few before, during, and after photos.
We ended up buying a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo right behind the temple.

The bedroom was just big enough and the carpet is new!

It has built in book shelves!!! and laminate floors that are in pretty good shape.

On the other hand the linoleum in bathrooms is yellowed and curling and the toilet is tiny and tilted.

There was a water leak under the kitchen sink....groady!
 We began the remodel with new kitchen counter top and appliances.  One bathroom also has a new counter top.

It's beautiful but those cupboards over the bar have to go!!! 

We also have  new bathroom floor, it's level now so that the new toilet doesn't tilt.

This lovely mess of dried soap was scraped out when we redid the plumbing for the washer and bathroom fixtures.
 We are nearly done, finally!  Notice the cabinets over the bar are gone!

After many trips to leave donations at DI and Stardust, most of our stuff is moved in!

Yes there are still photos to cull and hang but hey!  Looking good!

This is our 'back yard' where we still plan some major changes.
Mixed in were a couple of birthdays.  I will regale you with those photos next week.  In addition, my mother has suffered some health problems.  She has been a rock and source of strength to our whole family and it has been hard having her ill.  She had a pacemaker put in almost 2 weeks ago, but having a heart rate in the 30s for a time caused a small stroke.  The changes are subtle but significant enough that we must take over some of the work she has been doing. Part of the challenge is not knowing how long lasting these changes will be.  We are so grateful that she is still with us and healthy and pray she will recover her normal health and energy.  Thank you for your prayers!  They do make a difference.


Katie said...

I love seeing pictures of peoples' homes! So glad you are there to take care of Grandma, please send our love.

Daniel Quillen said...

Hurray for a new home! I am like Katie -- I like to see pictures of people's homes -- when I speak with, e-mail with or read their blogs, I can now envision them in their natural habitat!