Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Packing up!

Yes, I know!  I have been packing for weeks.  The china cabinet has been empty for a month.  The linen closet, coat closet, and the bathroom cupboards have been cleared and there have been a couple of trips to DI.  The spare room has been empty for a week and the play room is packed, ready to move everything to storage, but it wasn't till today that I started to feel that we are really moving.  What 'did it' for me?  There are now empty shelves in the study.  Rod's 'inner sanctum' is starting to empty.  We are really doing this!

Wow! Almost all of the finishing up projects are done.  The doors latch, new tile is in the bathroom.  It is truly going to happen. We have been in this house since the month before our last daughter was born, about 25 years ago.  There has been a lot of living here, lots of wonderful memories.  Who knows if we will ever live here again. Not us.  Still, you can't move forward if you don't leave the past behind, sooooo onward we go to new adventures.  Stay tuned.......


Katie said...

I can't imagine the amount of work it must take to pack up a house you've lived in for that long! I'm impressed with your attitude and excited for you!

shamers said...

I'm so glad you're blogging. I've been reading the blog of a "senior couple" (ahem) who just got home from serving in my old mission -- senior missionary blogs are a lot better than first-time missionary blogs! :) We will be excited to read about your service.

We put together a Sunday Box during FHE this week and the kids are excited to write to/color for missionaries, so get out there so we have someone to send our papers to! :)