Since we will be leaving this apt next week, I decided to show you what it looks like. There are things we like about this apartment and things we don´t. The floors are all high gloss tile, hard to walk on a lot but good looking and easy to keep up.
This is the front door and entry way. Notice the knob is just a pull. You can't open the door without a key! That is standard here. Straight ahead is the living room. Just before that door is the hall to the bedrooms and kitchen. |
There is a picture window behind me and a door to a small balcony. Right now we use a space heater in the evenings to keep it warm. |
This is the kitchen. The fridge is about 2 ft wide. This one is much wider than the Fuengirola apt will be. However we can´t use more than one major apliance (oven, washer, dryer, heater, mixer) at a time or we blow the fuse. |
This is the cabinet above the sink. Notice that there is no bottom. You wash dishes and put them in the cupboard to drain. This is the norm here. |
This is the ´washer´! We worked so hard to get it. Now we leave it. Above it is the dryer which comes with us. It is an evaporation dryer. They don´t need vents but you have to dump out water after each load. |
With my back touching the dryer this is the view. Just past the red tiles is our ´´clothes line. If something falls, it goes 3 floors down into someone else´s patio. |
Our hall, the door on the rt is to the kitchen. Next is the bathroom, left is the 2nd bedroom and straight is the master. |
The Master.. has a cold and is resting. We really like this bed. We will have to find one like it for the other apt. It only has a double bed, and we want to sleep comfortably for the next 2 years. |
Half of the master bath. The small white machine next to the sink is a dehumidifyer. Yes, we have 2 bidets, one each bathroom, and we like them. I only photographed 1 bathroom. The other is smaller, no tub, just a shower. |
The rest of the master bath. I am standing in front of the door. |
The extra bedroom with some moving boxes already filled. We have to move out all the stuff the mission owns but the furniture stays. |
This is the view from our little patio. We have had rain off and on all week. I have loved it, but you should see the moisture inside our windows! |
This was taken near sunset from our bedroom. We are really in Spain! |
We go on little walks to get bread and fruit. We hear cheers from the soccer matches at the city field down the street. One evening, as we walked past we heard 2 men who were customers sitting in a cafe, singing. Work at the mission office is a lot to learn, and we have had some health issues that I am handling. Rod was asked to be the branch clerk for the Mijas international branch today. They called a member to replace Elder Stevens as branch President. We were impressed with the Stake President. The Church is growing here and they are working hard on retaining their new members. It is very exciting to know of the 58 new missions that are coming. Pray for the new mission presidents and their wives. They do a demanding job! We already love ours, and our branch members. It happens so fast. As the Stevens have had several farewell events in their honor, it makes me think of when we go. It will be harder than leaving home was. Well, till next week.
Awesome Jeanene! We love you all and are thinking about / praying for you.
Some interesting differences from the US for sure.
Love the pictures! I feel like I am right there.
I love the pictures! Sorry Daddy was sick I hope he gets better soon. Don't forget to take pictures of yourself too, I want to see you.
Finally found your blog! I had the address wrong. Oops! Loved all the pictures and learn about what you've been up to recently. Especially loved the cathedral pictures and that Rod smuggled in party supplies for New Years. I laughed out loud! SO Rod. I'm sure you're a huge blessing to your mission. Keep up the good work!
What a view! It looks like a really comfortable place.
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