Thursday, October 3, 2019

A few fun events.

Life continues to be 'Full'!  Our  former neighbor got married.  She asked me to make the cake.  She is so darling!

It's still hard for me to believe she's all grown up. Love you Amber!
We had some rain....Yes I still play in the rain!
 One of our  young fellow missionaries from Spain is now living here in AZ.  He was an Idaho boy and told us he had never been in the we set up a trip to San Diego with him and his cute wife and two babies.  We rented a small house and it worked out so nicely... much easier than a hotel.  (we will stick with airbnb though.  the quality of this rental wasn't the best.)  We thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and played on the beach for hours. The Butlers had a great time and were surprised how easy the trip was.  I didn't get any photos of the beach part but after we left, we stopped at this memorial to military service.  There were individual plaques for veterans, including photos, their service history, and their life afterward.  It was truly touching.

A gorgeous view too!
We are so blessed!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Good for you for taking them to the beach!