Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Finishing up 2015

 I remember some years ago feeling that 2016 was so far away it would never come....I don't remember the context, perhaps getting my license...it expires this year.  Well now here it is!  I just need to get the last of 2015 posted and  I'll be all ready....course it's almost a 12th over but hey....done is good.
We had a busy but satisfying December.
We attended grandkids' programs ...
Ellie has the red had and Rudolph nose.

Jaela had a speaking part and sang every word!
I had another birthday!  Dinner at a buffet restaurant with so many loved ones was a treasured gift!

 One of my favorite parts was watching all these cute grandkids playing so kindly and sweetly together!


My Sister and her littlest one.

So glad Mom was there!
We also made gingerbread houses with all the local kids families! I guess we missed photos of the Wachs' creation.

The Anderson's house

The Todd Castillo family
 The Keith Castillo family...

We even made one with a ward family!  We used up some Halloween fangs too!
We loved Christmas Day... visited Wachs as they were sick Christmas eve and couldn't come the the home evening.

And we had a reprise of the Christmas story on Johnmas Day with our cute Anderson kids.

 We had a cute neighbor whose phones quit working.  She was nervous to be without a phone over night so we lent her this.  We enjoyed a good laugh!
It was a Very Good Year!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love all those faces!